Sunday, January 20, 2008

Start of my journey!

Well this is my first entry in my blog for everyone to read. I'm using this mainly for my weightloss journey and what going on in my life so I don't bottle it up. I was told about blogging in a forum I'm in. Thanks guys!

I'm originally from New Zealand but grew up in Perth and Brisbane. My dad and stepmother still living in Brisbane out on a farm, while my mum and stepdad live here in Perth. I have 2 girls which both don't live with me. My oldest Sarah 6 live with my ex's inlaws and my youungest daughter Amber turns 4 in February lives with my mum. They both ward of state. We trying to get share care with Amber and fighting to get visit rights with Sarah which the ex's inlaws are making it difficult for us. I also have a son in heaven Cameron 2.5yrs old. He died 3 days before christmas hit by a car. Since his death the ex's inlaws been making our lives hell and making out we were murders!

I weigh roughly 120kg and want to get down to 70/65kg. Which is officially 40/45kg weightloss! Huge amount.

I started on Celebrity Slim program yesterday and been going to the toilet constantly. Only downfalls I have so far is: headaches, tiredness and constantly needing to go the toilet. I haven't been hungry so far. Which is pretty good. I'm only on it for a kick start or to get to 100kg which ever comes first. I haven't decided whether or not to do Weight Watchers or Calorie counting. But it also depend if hubby got a job by then.

Well thanks for reading. I update soon!

1 comment:

demotutorial said...

the first step is always the hardest. This is what i've found when i was going through my journey and read about getting a tummy tuck. I was very apprehensive but looking at how things turned out, I'm glad I did have it!